Contact us
ONEX Corporation welcomes technical information related inquiries from customers including comments, requests and questions. Inquiries received will be used in enhancing our technology and production information.
When submitting your inquiry, please be sure to read and agree to items below before you proceed.
Notice Concerning Inquiries
- Personal information provided by the customer will be used for the purposes of answering inquiries, questions, and providing information.
- We may be unable to respond if the email address provided by the customer is incorrect or in case of a system failure.
- Please note that it may take some time for us to respond to email inquiries (those received on Saturday, Sunday or holidays will be responded to the next business day) and sometimes inquiries cannot be answered.
- Please note that we may be unable to answer certain inquiries.
- The response from ONEX to the inquiry received will be addressed to the individual customer. Please refrain from using any part of or the entire response from ONEX Corporation for purposes other than intended by the inquiry without permission by ONEX Corporation.
- Please refer to our Privacy Policy for the handling of personal information by ONEX Corporation.
- The items listed above may be changed due to the laws, regulations or other circumstances.